C & A

C & A

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Resolutions, Remodeling, & Rocking Chairs

At one point in time I had this very lofty goal (it seems) of posting multiple times a month and at a minimum at LEAST monthly... So can we all pretend like February, March, and April never happened and don't really exist? It'd definitely make me feel better about how neglectful I've been of this poor blog... and the fact that it's taken me five days to finish this one post!

Good! Now that that's been settled time for sharing! My ladies bible study started a book in January called The Resolution for Women, by Priscilla Shirer. It was AMAZING! I normally don't recommend books to people- I find that everyone has such differing tastes in style and topics that it's really just too hard to know what people might like, but I'm making an exception! I equal parts loved reading this book and hated reading it all at the same time. There were numerous moments that made me stop and evaluate the areas in my life that need some improvement. And seeing as how I'm human...there were a lot. But, the "heartburn" for lack of a better word,  I felt after reading each section gave me so much hope! I really could go on and on, but I really can't express in words how much this study meant to me this past semester. Not only was the book fantastic, the women who gathered and led our study made this an even more meaningful experience.
It's actually a quick read and can be read on it's own without a study group.

On a related note our study this past fall was also by Priscilla and it was called Gideon: Your weakness, God's Strength. I really admire this woman. She has a heart for the Lord and her messages are phenomenal. I hear she has a new study coming out this fall called, The Armor of God, which I would love to get!
Baby Update

We hit 36 weeks today! Holy buckets I don't know where the time has gone! I'd like to say I'm ready but that would be a total lie. There's so much I'd love to get done before little one makes his grand entrance and with two crazy busy weeks of school left (yeah I don't know where the school year went either!) I'm just hoping to squish everything in before I spend the summer cuddling up with baby.

We were finally able to start and mostly finish the nursery thanks in large part to our wonderful families! My parents came out 4 days in one week and helped demolish our old spare bedroom upstairs. So long lead painted windows that would never open, multiple layers of wallpaper that was falling off the walls (and bringing the plaster with it), and gross carpet! 
I forgot to get a true "before" picture.
The carpet and woodwork had already been removed at this point.
Hello new drywall, paint, windows, carpet, and refurbished trim! I'm so in love with this room! My heart literally melts into a pile of mush whenever I walk in and see this happy place! Seriously Caden and I have the most loving and giving family anyone could ask for. Despite how much I know both our families had to do at their own homes they gave so much time to help hang drywall, mud and sand, paint, and lay carpet. I'll never be able to express enough appreciation! 
It's not the best picture as we still need to install the real light fixture
I'd still like to find a rocking chair for the corner and hang some white wooden blinds before baby arrives. I haven't quite decided what I want on the walls yet either. Right now I'm just enjoying the one room upstairs that actually has drywall. Beautiful smooth drywall. Sigh... it's the simple things in life

We decided to have a few maternity pictures taken this past weekend by the lovely and talented Megan. Not only do I have the privilege of calling this lady family, she's really one of my dearest friends! I'm so happy we decided to capture this fun and ever changing time in our lives and to think exactly one year ago she took our engagement photos! We couldn't help but recreate just a few of the shots...the only difference this time is the size of my belly! 



For my own future reference:

  • All food tastes like sand paper and I can't eat more than three bites without feeling full. I miss food.
  • Subsequently there've been zero cravings and I've only gained a total of 8 lbs at this point and YAY no swelling!
  • My Doctor says I have a long torso...HA! Didn't know that was possible when you're only 5' 3''
  • I wake up at 4:30 every morning with heartburn but don't have it at any other time.
  • Baby has been head down the whole time and loves to curl up/try to escape out of my right side. I think he may have been inspired by the recent Mayweather vs. Pacquiao Fight. He has quite a right hook...or maybe it's a kick? Too hard to tell but OUCH! 
  • If everything continues to go well Caden will get to deliver, which he is pretty excited about! He was able to help with one delivery a few weeks ago so feels pretty confident. I'm glad one of us knows what's supposed to be going on!!!