C & A

C & A

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Balance & Baby

Friends, in case you haven't noticed, it is almost October! Dear me...where has the time gone??? We've had 28 days of school thus far and my darling baby is almost 4 months old. I swear I only blinked for a second, promise.


Honesty time. Going back to work was rough. It's still rough. Waking up and leaving my husband and son cuddling in bed in the mornings is darn near torture. Looking back and seeing how fast time is passing doesn't help the matter. I literally drag myself to school each morning. But then I'm there and my mind starts running on lightening speed. I have no time to think of anything but the little ones entrusted to me. Lesson plans, paper work, engagement strategies, organizing, prepping, oh and actual teaching it's enough to keep a person busy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I have yet to ever finish an entire to-do list before having to add more to-dos. It's during all the crazy that I remember. I love teaching. I love the people I teach with. It took only two weeks to completely fall in love with my little class this year. As much as I miss my people during the day, I know I'd miss teaching just as much.

I have a whole new appreciation for working mothers (and fathers), especially my own. People always seem to throw around the word balance. I'm quite guilty of this myself. However, I've decided that I despise the word. There is no such thing. Between Caden and I working full time jobs (which DO NOT have 9-5 hours), raising our son, union meetings, trainings, being a full time student, keeping a clean and nice home, feeding my people, bible study (which I'm failing at horribly this year), church, friends and family time, and all the other parts of life I'm forgetting, balance just isn't possible. And I'm learning to be okay with that. As much as I love a clean house, and let me tell you I do, playing with my son is more important. As much as I want to be organized at school, I'm learning to live in chaos. If nothing else my time management skills have improved 100% over the past 4 months. If any of you dear friends struggle with time management, just have a baby. It forces better time management. ;)
My 25th Birthday 

Speaking of baby! We have a roller! Albeit only to one side, and then he gets mad that he's on his stomach. He loves to sit in his Bumbo and prefers standing to just about anything else. I'm thinking it's about time for a Johnny Jump Up! Excuse me as I go ugly cry at the thought of him growing so fast....At a week and half short of 4 months he weighs nearly 17 lbs. Poor thing would develop a complex if he knew how much we talked about his cute pudge and double chin. While I get to snuggle him evenings and weekends Grandma and Dad have him during the weekdays. How very loved he is.

If you're looking to get away, relax, but not go too far I highly suggest visiting the Lied Lodge in Nebraska City! What a hidden treasure it turned out to be! We booked a room there on a whim since it was the location of a dear friend's wedding. We didn't get to do much of anything, but we plan on going back hopefully sometime soon. Truly a beautiful place to visit in our State!

I melt in August heat...Ugh

Can you tell his pants are too small? Ha!
He's now in 6-9 month clothing! 
These were the only pictures I took the whole time we were there so you'll just have to trust me when I tell you how awesome this place was! Side note: carrying around a baby, a carseat, and a diaper bag leaves zero room for picture taking. Sad day... Thankfully there are camera phones to somewhat save the day. Our life documented in blurry camera phone pictures:

Labor Day Picnic

Bath time

"Milk's favorite cookie"
The inly thing Huenefeld's love more than Dr. Pepper and popcorn ;)

Bumbo Baby!

He works out ;)

Monkey see, monkey do! 

Uncle Caleb
And finally a picture of the cousins siting still

Babies in Jammies

Little lady's first birthday! 
Aunt Chelsea