C & A

C & A

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Gettin' Hitched!

Technically, the title should probably be "Got Hitched" as it's already happened (and what a wonderful first month it's been!) but that doesn't sound nearly as catchy does it?

After dating for a little over two years Caden and I were married on June 7, 2014 at the Christian Resource Center. It was a beautiful (yet rather chilly) June day, but I hardly took notice as I was so excited! No, really. Our photographers kept trying to get me to take some "serious" pictures and as hard as I tried I just couldn't wipe the grin off my face!

Looking back that whole day is such a happy blur. If I could, I would relive our wedding day over and over again and just try and take it all in. Caden and I joke that we probably should have a "redo" since neither of us actually remember our vows... recall that whole blur thing? Well it seems to have hit both of us at that exact moment of joy/nervousness/memory loss/oh gosh I hope I don't mess up my vows in front of all these people... But hey, at least we didn't write our own!

We are both so appreciative of all of the wonderful people who helped to make our wedding day so special. Countless people gave up their time and worked so hard to help us and I feel so blessed to not only have such a loving and supportive family, but also such a welcoming community. We wouldn't have been able to do half of what we did without all of our family and the lovely ladies from church. We feel so blessed and thank the Lord for putting such amazing and giving people in our lives.

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