C & A

C & A

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Things Worth Remembering

Even though there are probably a thousand other things I should be doing, namely lesson plans and loads of other school tasks, laundry, dishes, cleaning in general, organizing the house before baby comes, or even actually using my oven... I've found that I much prefer sitting on my couch watching Netflix under a warm blanket and updating my blog. (Oh the joys of winter!) After multiple weeks sans internet can you blame me though? Actually, don't get me started on our former sketchy internet provider. Not answering phones, not returning voicemails on top of an apparent change in location (to who knows where? Timbuktu perhaps?) all makes for very unhappy customers. Regardless, we are again connected to the world albeit at quite an inflated price if you ask me...

I neglected to mention in my Christmas post all the wonderful crafting I was able to do before Christmas! I have a true love for Christmas decorations and Pinterest only fuels the fire! At one point I think Caden may have commented something along the lines of, "It looks like Santa threw up in our house" I'm choosing to take that as the compliment I know it was. So here's to more Christmas overload (and documentation so that I remember how to put it all back up next year) ...if baby allows that is!

Speaking of the little one we had our 18 week appointment the last day of the year! It's still so amazing to know that there's a little life growing away. And growing away it/he/she is judging by how my pants are fitting! We're so excited to finally be able to use a proper pronoun, but I think I'll wait to reveal until we've told more family and friends. Anyways we are ecstatic to know and officially start planning! Since we're officially over half way done now I guess it's about time to start putting some thought into this whole parenting thing.

Things I might want to look back on and remember for next time:
(This is probably of no interest to anyone besides myself so my feelings won't be hurt if you keep scrolling)

Dry foods and sandwiches are totally my friend right now. Bring on the cereal, crackers, cookies, crunchy granola bars etc. Also, pizza no longer makes me sick and I've developed a deep and probably everlasting love affair with ice cream.

Despite my feasting and ever growing belly I'm still below my starting pregnancy weight, which I'm taking to mean permission to continue the ice cream gorging.

WATER, WATER, AND MORE WATER! This is the mantra I repeat to myself all day long, but I never seem to drink enough. I wake up every morning with chapped lips and feeling dehydrated yet somehow manage to need to get up and use the restroom 5 times a night. So weird...

Second trimester brings the return of at least some energy. The first few months I'm pretty sure I turned into a bear and went full hibernation mode. Who wants to be awake anyway when you feel nauseous and dizzy? Thankfully, as long as I keep food in my tummy and go to bed at a decent time I feel pretty good with the exception of the whole month of January.

I will never again take for granted being healthy and the ability to use modern medicine whenever I feel like it. I'm not very good at suffering in silence and after a bought of stomach virus, some freakish kidney/bladder thing that put me in the hospital (still not entirely sure what that was all about), followed by a sinus infection I'm just kind of really over this month. Like seriously done with it.

Not only do we have flutters but we're up to full blown kicks! Especially right before I fall asleep. This little one's ornery side is starting early...
Almost 21 weeks


I decided to break the news to my students the last day before Christmas break. I'd managed to hold it together very well while in school, but still I think they knew something was up-they are very intuitive and curious little people! They would ask why I constantly keep food on my desk, why I have to sit down so much (there were quite a few weeks of dizzy spells), and why I'm always running to the bathroom! I figured it was time to come clean, but I was far from prepared for how the conversation went...

As I sat in my rocker with all of my students gathered around on the floor at the end of the day I told them how I had some really big news and that I was going to be having a baby in June!

This is the very first thing said:
Student 1: "How do you get the baby out?"
Student 2: "They have to cut her open!"
Other students all at once: "No way!" "Gross" "Eww" "Where do they cut at?"
Student 3: "Yeah huh! I saw it on TV!"

Needless to say that was not how I pictured the conversation going. Thankfully quick thinking set in and I was able to deflect and redirect as gracefully as possible before the bell rang! I'm sure many parents got quite an earful when they got home that night and questions too! Whoops! #firstyearteacher #I'manewb  Next time I may just not tell my students at all! Haha

Since then I've had a constant stream of questions asking how big my baby is?
Name suggestions...so far Bob and Michael Jackson are the top choices...not sure where they came up with those?
And every time I've been gone home sick or had a sub (which has been way too much this month!) they think I'm having the baby. It's cute really :)

With the new year comes new year's resolutions. Now I've never been one to put much stalk in making resolutions for a number of reasons. I usually see it as a bunch of people making half hearted promises only because everyone else is doing so. They rarely last and by the end of January it's all a thing of the past. I've always kind of thought if there are areas I need to change in my life it seems crazy to wait until next year to start them. Why not start sooner???

With that being said there are a few things that I plan on doing/started doing in December that I'd like to make into permanent habits. Broadly speaking I'd like to be more intentional in my daily life. Meaning I want my actions, thoughts, and words to have a purpose and to give glory to God and others. I've met so many people in the last few years who really live for others and have servant's hearts and I admire them all so very much. How happy they are to serve and put others first! I know this won't come naturally for me... I often have a selfish heart and get a little self centered. I pray that in the years to come by choosing to be more intentional I grow to be a true servant of the Lord.

"For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another." Galatians 5:13

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