C & A

C & A

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Grandpa Mongar's Pumpkin Patch

I've always loved growing pumpkins and was so excited when my family planted a patch again this year! While it may have been more weeds than pumpkins it still made for a wonderfully fun afternoon with family. I even remembered my camera so prepare for picture overload!

Ready for an adventure! 
One of my favorite walking paths and Murphy striking a pose.
There may have been more weeds than pumpkins in the patch.
Can you tell which one he almost dropped?
He was not impressed with the pumpkin.
Actually he's not really impressed by too much of anything.
Clearly he is the center of the world.
He's going to have a complex when he grows up.
The only thing that would make this picture more perfect
is if Grandpa was holding a pitch fork! 
I have some truly glamorous siblings :)
He found his pumpkins
Grandpa teaching the next generation how to pick up sticks...
If I had to count the number of sticks I picked up as a child they would
number in the millions I think
He loves us, I promise
Our newest trick! Blowing bubbles! 

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