C & A

C & A

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Seven Weeks and Going Strong

How I'm already in my seventh week as a Kindergarten teacher is beyond me. Where did the time go?! I really have no idea. Between all of the lesson planning, classroom organizing, theme/unit gathering, oh yeah and actual teaching the last weeks - make that months, have been an absolute blur. Oh, and what a wonderful blur they have been!

I can honestly say that I've learned more about education and teaching in the last two months than I did all of my college career. There's really nothing like on the job training and five year olds to keep you on your toes!

I truly love my job and thank God daily for the many blessings he has bestowed on my life. These are just a few! Listing my blessings always has a way of making me feel even more blessed!

1. The people I work with are truly phenomenal educators. Their hearts are so focused on their students and what they can do for them. Teaching really is a profession of love and service and my coworkers rock at it all! I learn so much from them on a daily basis!

2. The families and students are so wonderful and eager to learn. I adore all of my kiddos and love seeing their smiling faces every morning!

3. Every day is a fresh start. Every day is new and no two days are EVER the same. If I have a bad day or things don't go quite right all I have to do is make it through until tomorrow and it's literally like starting over. How many people can say that about their jobs?

4. All of the blessings we have at our school- like having more plan time than I've ever had before, having the help of wonderful para professionals, being able to laminate materials for my students to use over and over, freedom to choose thematic units that make learning so much fun and countless other things that I'm forgetting but am truly grateful for!


Other note worthy happenings that seemed to whiz by in the blink of an eye:

I turned 24 at the beginning of September. We celebrated by going out to Texas Roudhouse (where we gorged ourselves on yummy bread and all sorts of goodies) and by having friends over for a bonfire later in the week! It was fun to get together with people and just relax and enjoy each others company. I'm hoping as C and I get more in a routine with my work and his school and work schedules we'll be better at getting together with friends. Bring on winter board game nights!

The Barn Festival. Need I say more? Think craft fair meets, barns, with an almost Branson like feel located a short drive past Hastings. When I found out about this wonderful event (that only takes place for two weekends in the spring and two in the fall) I insisted on going! I pretty much dragged C along with me that very first weekend and I have to say he was such a good sport. The crowd was ridiculous. We stood in long lines just to get in the buildings and when we were inside, it was so hard to look because of all the people. C's reoccurring commentary centered around how if a fire broke out we'd all die a brutal death as every building was wayyyyy too packed with not nearly enough exits for everyone to make it out alive. Just what every girl wants to hear when shopping for fall and Christmas decor!

I ended up buying some beautiful Christmas stockings to hang on our mantel (oh yeah, I have a fireplace now! well kind of...but that's another story all together). C and I bought a few other items but they're Christmas presents so I think I'll just keep those to myself for now.

Love this man and all he does for me!
Despite being the only man under the age of 50
 I think he still managed to have a little fun
This was his "catch" of the day and he insisted I document
In a nice turn of events I actually ended up going back the second weekend with my mom and sisters. We made a day of going antiquing and shopping in Grand Island and Hastings and spending lots of quality time together. The second trip was actually a little bit more fun since there really wasn't a crowd, the weather was perfect, and we were able to browse to our hearts content. The only sad part was there was quite a bit less to look at/buy but still fun none the less! I won't dare post the picture from that day as I'm pretty sure my sisters would stop talking to me! 

Until I get around to blogging again I'll be enjoying life at the speed of light!

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