C & A

C & A

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Counting Our Blessings... and Chicks

Caden and I have so very much to be grateful for this year! We were united in marriage this past summer in front of all our friends and family and it has truly been the most amazing 6 months of my life! (I assume his as well ;)  I absolutely love doing life with this man and can't believe time has flown as fast as it has! Sometime I wish we could just hit the "pause" button and savor each and every moment...okay I'll stop before I get too sappy here.

I thought I'd add this one as it expresses us so well!
Me=weird Caden=why are you so weird?
I also think it's somewhat American Gothic-ish...
Our families have been so supportive and loving in more ways than I can even begin to count. I can't imagine what we'd do without them... from the endless cooking advice to helping with our remodeling projects, I'll never be able to truly express my gratefulness for all they've done.

Friends, both old and new, have filled my life with such joy! It's hard to believe less than three short years ago I didn't even know many of the people I now consider to be so dear to me. We are so blessed to have an amazing group of married couples to look to as examples of what a Godly marriage is and it's been fun getting closer to each and every one of them!
I've been dying to share this picture for awhile! 

(I realize I'm sharing a bunch of wedding photos... it's become evident I'm not very good at taking picture of friends and life)

Not only did I start a new job this fall as a Kindergarten teacher, but Caden went back to school for Paramedicine. While change can be quite hard and it's been a lot to adjust to with our ever busy and quite different schedules (I think I saw more of him when we were dating and living an hour and a half apart) we truly thank God for all the opportunities He gives us! Not only do we have jobs that allow us to pay for life's necessities, but our chosen fields are more than just "jobs," they are in areas we are truly passionate about. Waking up and being excited to start each new day is something I realize not everyone is fortunate enough to experience, and for this I am so grateful.

There are so so so many other blessings that I could list, but I know words can never really express how I feel. Instead, I want to thank God for our biggest blessing this year, and that is the gift of new life! We are so EXCITED to be bringing a new little one into the world and are in complete awe that God has chosen us to be parents!

There's more than just a turkey in our oven this Thanksgiving!
Okay...we're cheesy I know...
But I really LOVE a good pun!

It's been a year of many "firsts" for us and the adventures are sure to continue!

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